Monday, 26 September 2011


In our day to day lives, walls reflect an element of protection. They are components of building made up of units of blocks. No matter how small these units of blocks are, they make up great buildings. Not minding how big these buildings are, they must have no cracks in their walls. Cracks reflect weakness, inefficiency and loop holes for wrong things to enter.
Our lives are also like unit blocks of attitude, gravels of actions and cement of inactions. When the foundational blocks are not good enough, the building cannot be strong. Broken walls are places through which negative thoughts leak into our lives, emotions and influences. These broken walls allow influx of different kinds of things.
As social beings, we humans cannot put ourselves away from the reality of influences around us. Through the influences of those we surround ourselves with; our walls can be broken, fixed or even made stronger. What do you allow mostly into your life? This is because we become mostly what we focus on. We must dare to set our foundational walls right. But this may not be possible without effective inspiration. Inspiration means getting enabled by a higher unction, a greater source. I will urge you friends to make God your ultimate inspiration in order to mend your broken.
The integrity of our personality can be hampered by some habits that lurk by the roadside of our lives like wolves in sheep clothing. They seem so harmless but they melt the walls of our lives like blocks of ice on a hot sunny day. For such habits, it will do us a great good to give up on them. Sometimes, giving up does not mean weakness, it means we are strong enough to let go of excuses and unimportant habits. We would build great institutions when we repair the broken walls in our lives and indeed by hearkening to this clarion call, the greatness of our nation can be restored.  

I’ve been thinking of you!


Monday, 19 September 2011


Everywhere around the world, from the east coast to the west coast, from the deep valleys to the mountain tops; from the murky waters of the villages to the street lights in the towns, people of different class and style, beauty and gifting abound. That’s indeed what makes the world beautiful!
However, people get more attached to some people than to others. Others simply repel those that come around them and those that dare to stay might have to muster some psychological fibre to contain them as friends. The former are often an amazing bunch. Like perfumes, they exude an alluring fragrance that get people attracted to them and where ever they go, they glow. The difference between the first party and the second party I mentioned earlier is an alluring fragrance called ATTITUDE.
Attitude is a natural fragrance, deep rooted in the bones and no amount of perfume can alter it. People with bad attitude betray themselves easily despite the beautiful fragrance of their cologne; despite their inclinations and connections.
Connection can take you somewhere but character and attitude will keep you. Gaining a great attitude is not magic; it demands some work. The beautiful thing about this alluring fragrance is that it can be cultivated. It does not respect religious divides or cultural sentiments. Common attitudes like appreciation, gratefulness, courage, tolerance and so on can be cultivated.
Remember, wearing a perfume is good but there is something that smells deeper than perfumes; it’s is called ATTITUDE! Spare a little time today to show some love, render a selfless service and reach out a broad smile to someone. That simple smile might make all the difference.
Friends, let’s change the world with our alluring fragrance!
Yours Truly,

Friday, 16 September 2011


In the issues of life, we all have a stake somewhere. It may be in our workplace, in our families or even in our society. If we don’t in any of these, at least we do in our lives. Be that as it may, it has been proven that you can have as much influence on yourself as well as on the society. To some extent, we are indeed, architects of our destinies and we can steer both our lives and the circumstances around us to suite us or favour us.
Hence this is to say that we are the engine room of this generation. I have this question for you.
Have you ever pictured yourself as an engine room, one that is bringing out solutions and solving problems? An engine room will never be effective without enough lubrication and the right oil gauge. It will surely have hitches and will most likely malfunction with wrong inputs. Hence, how effective an engine performs depends on the kind of components and the oil on the inside.
That is to say that you cannot give what you don’t have. Invariably, what you have is what you give. In case you are not aware, you are AN ENGINE ROOM, in fact, A POWER HOUSE and a SOLUTION PROVIDER! Imagine how many people are depending on you and your vision for survival. Imagine how some things would spoil if you were not around. Imagine that you owned a big company and you own 100% of the shares. If you realize this, you will act as a CEO and think like one. With the wrong oil, an engine knocks and performance plunges downhill. With no oil at all, an engine cannot power any machine. Remember that the engine room is what maintains a whole machine; it is the heart on which many a machine’s life line is based.
Be careful what you allow on the inside of you. Your input will be smoky if you allow your oil become bad. Allow nothing but the best inside and you will give out nothing but the best. Don’t live carelessly, remember, you are an engine room. Friends, beware, garbage in, garbage out.  In you, the solution lies, in you the future of our nation is secured and it is also in you that we shall celebrate the new Nigeria!
Surely, together we shall deliver the future!

Sincerely Yours!


Thursday, 8 September 2011


In a nation so vastly populated as ours, it is often possible to get lost in the crowd. Yes; to get lost in the opinion of others or submerged in the sea of confusion generated by others or maybe, to get drowned in the vision of others. Sometimes, you may be wondering, “Where am I and what do I stand for?
In the midst of these buzzing realities, the world has a way of blowing hurricane winds on our flickering candles of faith, especially when we want to take a bold step. Be that as it may, it is good we declare our stand because according to Martin Luther King Jr., “He who has nothing to die for is not fit to live.”
Hence I dare to say that I stand for truth, equity, fairness and justice. I stand for the greatness of everyman and the brotherhood of all mankind. I stand for integrity, transparency and good governance. I am an activist, yes, an activist for the common man whose voice cannot be heard. But first, I am an optimist that is highly positive minded. I believe our nation will be great when we see ourselves as co-builders and when we learn to take responsibility.
I stand for purpose and reality. I don’t believe in begging for acceptance, rather, I believe in stating my case and showing what stuff I am made of for it is said, “once you are good, you are good” because a golden fleece has no hiding place. I believe in great virtues and in the nobility of work. I stand for morality and godliness for I do know that there is a God that rules in the affairs of men. I believe that what a man sows, he shall reap. I stand for these, what do you stand for?

Thursday, 11 August 2011


We are made different from each other in many ways. We have diverse abilities within us that if we listen to our innermost voice, we shall find that voice that is directing us to the high points of our lives. Our sterling moments are those breathtaking moments when the lime light is on us because of some kind of stunt we have just pulled in a certain area of our strength. Yet, because we are different from each other makes our sterling moments, different strokes for different folks.
 Sometimes, because we focus too much on our past, it looks like we are under performing or that we are not good enough. This can be a great stressor especially to people who believe that there is something superior propelling them on the inside. Now, can you spare a moment as you read this stuff? Review your life briefly. When was the last time you had a sterling moment in your life? In what area was that? How much fulfilment did you derive from such awesome moments? It’s really a question for you to ponder.
Your sterling moments will come when day dreaming seizes. Don’t just dream, take action. That one action in your area of passion, yes that one action of yours could make all the difference. Imagine that Bill Gates was less than 20 when he and Paul Allen started Microsoft. Imagine what hurdles Henry Ford faced or what pains Mary Kay bore just to have their dreams come to fruition. With the right zest, you too can make it happen.
 Ordinarily, a fish would never have a sterling moment on land; or else, it would not find it funny or it would need exclusive energy which would ultimately wear it out. Don’t struggle too much within the realms of your weakness; rather, strike the match of reality and ignite the passion more in your areas of strength. Focusing more on where you are good and developing that area often undermines and in fact, diminishes your weakness and gives vigour to your flapping wings.
 Friends, just to remind you that energy flows more were your attention goes. Be careful what you put your mind into because as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. I hope to celebrate your sterling moments with you!
I’ve been thinking of you!

Yours truly,

Monday, 25 July 2011


        Sliding down the stairs, Becky knew that something was not right as she tried to fix her left ear ring. Her fluffy hair flung side by side as she tried to conceal her pain that was silently hitting the roof. She had dreamed of a good home, children round the diner table, comfortable car and above all, a loving husband on whose broad and loving shoulder to lean on.
         Now it seems elusive, everything was crumbling gradually, stumbling into oblivion. The conjugal bliss had only lasted three years; a union that was amalgamated amidst pomp and pageantry. “It was a society wedding!” exclaimed her bridesmaid after her wedding day. The moments were reassuring of a life time of bliss but indeed, it was far from that.
       “Life is way beyond the soft words of encouragements, beyond the glamour on the wedding day, the piled up gifts from well wishers and the smiles that seem endless.” She thought deeply as those recalcitrant thoughts betray her innermost composure. Her eyes fell on the wedding picture and it reminded her like yesterday when she walked down the aisle and how the passing years and enormous stress she has had to endure had contributed to the silent wrinkle on her frail frame.
          Toby her husband was 6feet tall, a great body built with polished grammar, nice class, exquisite style and impeccable cologne. Indeed, these were sterling qualities enough to surpass Becky’s acceptance threshold for a man fit enough to be a life partner. His nose was pointed, his set of teeth were like dazzling blinks of the morning star. To say that Toby was handsome would be a grand understatement. In reality, he was a replica of her vision and in not so long a time, the nuptial nuts were tied, down the aisle they walked, hand in hand they strolled, souls on loan, sweethearts to be, surely forever!
            Hours melted, days passed and months swept the years by in hasty forgetfulness. With each passing day, the rims of their ties, the framework of their bonds, the concentration of their love suffered severe jerky chills in their quest to survive a freaky chilly world. However, Toby was a chauvinist and Becky, by a stroke of ill-luck, was ill-tempered. A union of two imperfect souls was bound to have some cracks in the framework without enough lubrication of understanding.
            Becky nagged and blew her cool quite often. Toby bared his fangs when upset and threatened to divorce his now “gullible insipid nagging wife.” For that was his way of describing her after discovering her flaws. Becky yearned for attention, Toby longed for respect and gradually the rudder of their love became rocked by a chain of misunderstanding, quarrels and a litany of word bandying. It was only a matter of time and the cloak of the marriage seemed to burst at its Seams.
             The love had disappeared like lightening in dry weather and had burned out like a candle in a cold weather; the endurance had now set in as though the whole marriage thing was subjected to a marathon trek.
Everything had gradually crumbled, the pleasurable looks in their eyes and the fulfilling kisses at night time for the very love they shared was now sitting on a keg of gunpowder.
           While you can easily imagine that this marriage is heading for its breaking point, it brings to mind the high rate of divorce in our society today. Gradually, the toll keeps rising. Too many people that divorce today never once dreamt that they would be divorcees. Hello dear, before you make that mistake, it’s good to remind you that beneath those make-ups are little flaws which lend credence to each woman’s imperfection. As well, underneath those broad shoulders, the TDK (Tall, Dark and Handsome) personality is the real man you are yet to meet; it’s possible you are still battling with illusion.
          While searching for a partner, you’ve got to be very careful but remember that a husband and a wife are two imperfect persons bounded together by an oath of love. Don’t blame your partner for all the wrong doings. Try to adjust your view. “Could I have been the problem?” “Who am I to blame?” This will give you an enormous ability to improve on yourself. The great writer, William Shakespeare said, “Do not trust so much upon my love for I may do that which you may be sorry for.”
          Hence it is advisable to have a tolerance bank   for your partner. If you expect a partner who is moralistic, how moralistic are you? If you expect a partner who is not hot tempered, work on your temper too. The degree to which you upgrade yourself is the degree to which you get an upgraded personality.
Do not be deceived, it’s only in magnets that unlike terms attract. In human relationships, like terms attract unless where one has to make up for the deficiencies of the other. People tend to associate with people of their class hence before you start looking for that perfect partner, work on yourself; get yourself prepared, so that you will not be the little fox that will spoil the vine. If you are already married, do your best to make it work and together, we’ll make our society better for us and our children.


Wednesday, 29 June 2011


My pillow dabbed my tears, polishing billows of recalcitrant fears. Lending credence to the ubiquitous doubts of many a man swayed by depression.

The cold weather that burned off my candle, the crazy breeze that blew off some people's hope of a tomorrow sealed with bliss. I weep for my nation. To have a Boko Man among a crowd is certainly a scare that tells someone ... That we are sitting on a keg of gun powder.

Boko Haram! It's a shame! What does it cost to fight the foundation on which one was suckled? What does it cost to bite the fingers that fed one with devotion in the days of winter and to spite the heart that loved one in the days of trials. Boko Haram, make your case clear for I am sure you have no case to present. You are only a mere bunch looking for an inconsequential haven for your terrorist tendencies.

What stress do you have with western education? What stress do you have with the very thing from which the gadgets you use were made? What sort of contradiction laced with shameful ignorance is this? Boko Haram loyalists, wake up to realities.

Nigerians, let's learn to love. Let love come from the east wind, let hope come from the west wind and let them shake hands with North and South. Let no boundary be set, let no prejudice be formed and let our unity in diversity transcend above the realms of realities and gather us in to a world of unity heralded by awesome possibilities.

Again, I dare to say that we are strongest when we have shoulders to lean on in times of stress, hands to hold in times of doubt and friends to laugh with despite the unpredictable vicissitudes of life.
Nigerians, let's join hands to fight Boko Haram. Terrorism must be far from our shores.

Think for a moment, who can be happy because you live? The worth of a man's life is measured by how much value he adds to those around him.

Boko Haram, beware! Like Al Queda, you shall crumble, like dummies; you shall fumble, even much faster than Al Queda. Everyday maybe for the robber but one day would be for the owner of the house and that day you would smell grandma's snuff box in the mythological land of the of the Spirits.

Boko Haram, Beware! Only time will tell!

Monday, 27 June 2011

AT EASE (Part Two).

Friends, I hope you have been doing fine. Let's spur ourselves once more to unlimited hieghts of exploits! 
Remember, You don’t stumble unto success; you’ve got to work for it. Demand what you want and be ready to pay the price. Don’t chicken out when you are almost there. Don’t be at ease when the world is looking up to you, when your success means the success of your generation, when your failure means the failure of a nation. Recently, I saw a picture of a beautiful young woman cut into two by some rampaging Islamic fundamentalists. One part of her from the stomach was dismembered from the rest, while from the stomach to the rest lay another side. If you are in such a place, you will be desperate to survive, desperate, at least to live.
Yet you are alive; and in the midst of critical times like these, some young lady spend hours in front of the mirror painting and making up. They undermine the enormous ability in them to immortalize their names and to become celebrities in their chosen field. As a young person, be desperate with your life. Put your hands into some reasonable things and make your life count
            It’s possible that the comfort you are currently enjoying is making you stay at ease. There is something that can make your generation stand up for you. Maybe you have not realized it, just dig deeper. That single effort might make all the difference. It’s possible that the future of your generation is revolving on your shoulders.
            Imagine that Bill Gates, the Microsoft Boss did not wake up on time, he would not have known that the future of the world as regards computers hung on his neck. Imagine that Henry Ford was at ease with his life, he would not have founded a computer by his name. Richard Branson, chairman and founder of Virgin group would not have come this far if he was at ease with his life.
Friends, it’s time to wake up. Many of these people become strongest at their biggest points of despair and despondency. Don’t give up, don’t be at ease, wake up and rule your world!

Don’t be at ease with life
Lest you serrate your future with a knife
Of incompetence and a life of strife
When you relax and make fun rife
Arise and learn to stay alive all your life!

I’ve been thinking of you!

AT EASE (Part One).

        Life is full of dichotomies. The different situations and circumstances of life sometimes leave us with a certain impression about our ability in our society. The amount of influence resident in a man is often undermined by the comfort around. When we are overly comfortable, we often get blinded by the relative ease being promised and this underscores our productivity in the event of life. Necessity is the mother of invention and this simply means that when there is no sense of duty and passionate essence, abilities crumble like a pack of cookies.
Too much ability is replete in the life of one man; in the place of exploits and in a person’s ability to change the happenings around. Often times, because of the comfortable situations we enjoy by virtue of the things that surround us, we relax and shield our life with a cloak of unproductiveness. Have you ever been desperate to survive? Have you ever come to a point where only one thing is possible to spare your life? I bet you, you will give your all to have it!
Sometimes, we lack the drive to make exploits. We often join a weak and inconsequential bandwagon to criticize the circumstances that life throws our way and we resolve within ourselves that the government is the cause, that our parents are the cause, that our relatives or people around us are to blame. This ultimately dissolves the enormous ice of strength that the almighty has given us to change things around us. The best thing to do is to be the change we want to see in our world. Our society needs only you to be better, your family needs only you to be changed. By the time you see yourself as the person on whom the destiny of your nation revolves around, you will surely act differently.
Most of the time, people discover ways of making wealth when they are sandwiched in an Island of want and starved in a desert of despair. They discover that in them lies the ability to overcome every overbearing situation that tries to snuff their precious life from them. Imagine those who are in places where they rarely come out because of violence, they device many other ways to survive. How come you that is living in a tranquil environment has been cooling off all this while and waiting for something to spur you. Do you know what, spur yourself unto greatness! I will be rich …. I will be rich… It starts today. It is not magic. 
We shall be unlimited in this era when we refuse to be at ease!
Best Wishes!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011


In every generation, some people shine like stars while others dazzle like the moon. Some are conspicuous while a host of others are simply masked in the background and shrouded by those who tower above everyone like some Iroko trees in a forest of dry shrubs.
Just a short while ago, the name Dimeji Bankole was a house hold personality, a cynosure of all eyes and an epitome of excellence among many rising Nigerian youths. With such sterling academic profile, impeccable command of English, an exquisite charisma and all the essence that adorned this quintessential Nigerian politician, it now seems to be plummeting into oblivion. It is just like yesterday, when the press celebrated him and poured all manner of accolades and encomiums on him for being behind the success of the past lower house. Now, we look back with nostalgia as the story is far from being the same.
Today, the question is, how are the mighty fallen? How would this gentleman become a scape goat of a system he once worked to sanitize; an underdog in a country he swore under oath not to let the works of her past heroes be in vain? It is ridiculous to even believe that Bankole would ever stain his name or drag the ego of his numerous fans to the mud.
A 10billion naira loan- the bone of contention; leaves many at a loss on what exactly the house members do with money in the lower house as one cares to remeber the ordeals of Patricia Eteh his predecessor. It leaves one wondering at the insatiable quest for wealth in the Nigerian political circle; the unquenchable thirst for money and the psychological weakness of the average man towards materialism. The reality of the matter remains that Bankole’s monthly take home salary can pay an average secondary school teacher for 5 years. Yet, this does not include his other benefits of security allowance and travelling allowance. How then can we justify these allegations of fraud that is based on an irrepressible hunger for wealth, fame and showmanship? This, indeed, should be a great lesson for the average Nigerian youth.
Well, taking a more unbiased look at the whole events that brought this thus far, one cannot but wonder at the hypocritical nature of the Nigerian polity. Only few years ago, the issue of the 16 billion dollar power contract scandal was swept under the carpet simply because it involved the high and mighty. Some other time, it was Nuhu Ribadu that was on the run because he was being pursued by the powers that be. A little later, when he entered back into their good books, he was restored with his full privileges. The question now remains whether Bankole is drinking the cup of vengeance being poured by his aggrieved colleagues in the former house. Afterall, all the other monies shared in the house where everyone got a share did not raise any dust at all.
However, the search light is on Bankole; he may be a scapegoat or a product of some cataclysmic vengeance. Be that as it may, it is therefore a clarion call for all Nigerians to wake up to the reality that our country is on a solid path to greatness and that our patriotism must be mixed with impeccable truth and passion to offer our quota to our nation’s greatness. It is also a reminder to current political office holders like Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, current speaker of the house of Reps that many Eagle eyes are watching him. For the sake of posterity, let us rise to the challenge of building a nation where corruption and other vices shall belong to history and one where truth, peace and unity shall become our enshrined national identity.
Arise O Compatriots, now is the time!

Thursday, 2 June 2011


It was exactly 5 O’clock in the evening. I had cried for so long that the time did not seem to matter. “Is this how ten years will end? A certain feeling began to overwhelm me once more; tears trickled down my cheeks as I took a last long lingering look at the house where I had suddenly become a stranger. I picked up my hand bag and headed southwards.  

“I hope this emotion does not betray the strong woman in me” I whispered to myself as I twitched my nose to let the contents fly out in some nasty sound that seemed to be some soothing relief to my pains. I lay down under the Lagos Mainland Bridge as my thoughts paced back and forth within my battered body. Why am I a woman? Perhaps I could have fought him back with all my strength. If only I had enough strength to spare.

“Hey! Stop there! If you move I shoot! We have seen you, don’t you dare step an inch!” Some cold air sandwiched itself beneath my aching heart. I lay still, still like a dead log. This is doomsday! I imagined. Next was a shrill sound, “Help! Help! Help!” A scuffle followed and then a silent moment of bitter weeping… “I am dying, oh Jesus! Somebody help!”

When I perceived that everything had died down, I scrambled out of my stiff position and crawled towards the sound. Stealthily, I saw the little girl in great distress. Alas! She had been raped and was in a pool of blood. I bottled up my pains and carried her that night to the nearby hospital. My passion to see this young girl healthy and better gave me a soothing relief. Where do I get money to foot her bills? What do I do to fix my own battered life? These where far from my elemental conception.

My husband, John, had pushed me out and was savouring the love of another woman, yet I still seemed to have this side of me that loved him and our five year old son. Our country does not have enough laws for women of my circumstance; we only suffered in silence, the unmitigated battering of the men’s folk. In my wildest dreams, becoming a divorcee was the last thing on my mind.  Yet my only saving grace was that sheer providence had ushered me into the hands of a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), CARING WOMEN, managed and run by a group of positive minded women I had met at the hospital. They gave both I and Chika, the girl that was raped adequate rehabilitation.

I picked up my life, got a new work and became a part of the CARING WOMEN. I gave some part of my salary to start another arm of the NGO that gave particular attention to young girls who were rape victims. The challenges thrown my way by virtue of this work made it sweeter than ever. One day, a car pulled up where I managed as my office. Two fellows came out. I was scared initially as I surveyed them carefully and behold, a certain man and my Uncle, Francis.

Seven years after my work at CARING WOMEN, and a year after the visit of my Uncle  and Mr Frank, I walked down the aisle again; this time with Mr. Frank, someone of  my like passion. Through my union with Mr Frank, though I still find it hard to believe, I became the First Lady of our State. It was at the break of dawn!

Chijindu Umunnakwe

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


The story is told by the winners while the wound is licked by the losers. That is the replica of a Champion’s world. Indeed, in Champion’s league, the goats are separated from the sheep, the chaff is separated from the wheat and in stark reality, the boys are separated from the men. Champion’s league is a replica of the game of life.
          Being a champion is a way of life. A way of living, where everyday counts and where unit efficiency ultimately gives rise to an impeccable team spirit. It is not a game of chance but rather a game of resilience, coordination and expertise. What really matters is how good you are. Indeed, champions are not made champions in the field o play, they are only recognised there which shows that they have been champions long ago both in their mind and in their way of life.
All these were the truth as Barcelona Football Club of Spain walloped the almighty Manchester United Football Club of England and expressly won them by 3 goals to 1. Barcelona's Pedro scored the first goal while Man United's Rooney followed with an equaliser. Then came the second goal from the Barcelona's talismanic Messi and later a third goal from the Villa to wrap it up for the favourites.
From the previous track record of the two clubs, the reality of being a champion is further understood. With the past and recent successes of the two clubs and reaching the finals of this league of champions, they are really great clubs with ample character.
Yet the way in which Barcelona FC won the game leaves one with enough lessons in this game of life. Throughout the game, Barcelona showed coordination, character, strength and finesse. They were a side to behold as they were in control of the game, distributing passes with unmistakable accuracy
Well, every Champion must have haters, especially in the game of football, no matter how good the champion is. However, it is not as important to have haters as it is to be a champion.   Amidst the hostile London fans and the teeming Man United supporters, Barcelona walked tall, Barcelona won the match and Barcelona stole the show. This will surely endear Barcelona to the hearts of many football lovers and this continues to make the likes of Lionel Messi a mystery to be demystified.
To be a champion, build the foundation, get the coordination right and make the focus sharp. Becoming a champion is not magic, it’s called excellence; it’s not partiality, it’s reality. Anybody can be a champion. Are you willing to pay the price? Now, the choice is yours!

Friday, 20 May 2011


1) If you can not make a First Class Honours, make a good grade and become a World Class Personality then you can even rule those with the First Class; but if you can have a First Class Honours and combine it with a World Class Personality, you will become a master of opportunities. It’s up to you, define your Class.

2) I do not look at the past to press on it or to judge myself but I look at the future to appraise myself and to fix it knowing that my consolidation of today determines what will be in my tomorrow.

3) Learn to ward off the wrong influence. Wrong influence fills your life with lies and doubts and offers you unworthy alternatives to the truth you believe. “Guard your heart with all diligence because out of it are the issues of life”

4) What you have now is not the only thing you can have. How you handle what you have now will determine what will be added unto you.

5) Live your life with a consciousness that stems from the fact that life can only be lived once. Oswald J. Smith said, “Lord, this one life of mine, let me live it for you.”

6) Passion involves pouring our lives like a libation on the altar of sacrifice. Only the sweet smelling savour of our lives can convict men for a permanent change in their lives.

7) One day begins a story; hence always think of new possibilities in each day of your life. If you can conquer SIN, FEAR and POVERTY, you will be a great man.

8) Never hide yourself in a crowd.
9) Pay attention to details because often times, the thing is not the thing; the thing behind the thing is the thing.

10) Arise; be on the watch, time is a precious commodity. Always invest it. Your ability to contend and overcome today means tomorrow will not be a problem.

Together, we'll fly to hieghts unlimited and by sheer determination, we shall break old records and set new ones. Once more friends, See you at the top!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011


The Sun has just risen in full blast, streaming realities upon busy souls below. The road is stuffed with a traffic jam that gives the traffic warden a terrific job and some little concern for the day; hefty young men are seen in some obscure corners battling with a plate of Rice and Beans with a sizeable lump of meat to impress their ego. The day has just broken!

Ogwi! New Haven!.Ogwi! New Haven!...This is a common sight in the coal city, the Enugu State capital  in Nigeria on a normal busy day. The buses painted yellow and black clump together like soldier ants in a happy parade. Bike men are driving past in some deadly speed and many pedestrians are having a hard time finding their way through the traffic while lamenting poor remuneration.

Akpa! Akpa! Akpa…! This is the shout from the hasty mouth of Jideofo, a conductor attempting to mention Abakpa!Abakpa!Abakpa! with some maddening haste. He hangs at the door of the bus and beckons on passengers, battles briefly with a fat woman trying to occupy the position meant for two persons and then collects the fares with some humorous dexterity without minding whose ox is gored.

Well, in his mind, he is fulfilled. At most, when market booms highest, Jideofo goes home with about three thousand naira. He is exceedingly happy. He smiles broadly as the driver counts the money into his hands; some notes are torn following rough handling from some women selling Crayfish and Stock fish. He sighs, looks sarcastically at the money and utters, “When did I become a crayfish seller?” Then, he wipes the money in the air and carefully puts it into his back pocket. His face brightens as he thinks of the very prospects of the money in his pocket.

Few hours after, he is refreshed and cooling off with his girlfriend at Cool Joint. Jideofo spends the money in reckless abandon, impresses the girl thoroughly and smiles home, bankrupt; mesmerized by love.
Jideofo repeats the same thing over and over again and suddenly after many years, he finds out that he’s above 30 and marriage is knocking. He manages to corner a girl in one dark corner and does a shabby deal in less than 5 minutes and next few months, the girl is pregnant. He is quick to convince the girl for marriage since he cannot afford bride price. Somehow, he manages his way though, getting finally screwed up by life.

A lot of people are like Jideofo. They expect things to change and get rosy someday but they do nothing about the change they expect. Anything you are doing that you are not happy about, you are unduly over-worked and poorly remunerated is not worth your time. Whatever you do, do it with a great mindset. Keep the dream big but have an absolute action plan. Even if you are working for a small firm now, it’s only a matter of time. Dare to dream and pursue the dream!

The world gives way to those who know what they want and dare to demand it from life. You’ve got to work on your mind. Your mind is your most potent tool. As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. When you develop your mind, you develop your world because you cannot grow beyond the capacity of your mind. Remember, no one giant step does it all; success is made up of the small steps we take day by day.
Would you dare to be different? Take a step today.  That one step might make all the difference.
Stay on Top of your Game!

Monday, 2 May 2011


It’s coming, its advancing
The Chariot and the Army
Of an impending adversary
Lurking in the Sanctuary
Of my life with fearful Armoury
How would I let a thing so dreary
Sap the strength of my life so merry?

Have you ever played Chess? Hmm…It’s one of my favourite games. It teaches a whole lot from the beginning of the game to the end. It’s a game of defence and attack, just like a war. The Pawns, Knights, Rooks, Bishops, Queen and then the King; with each movement, you try to kill the opponent’s pieces. One by one, stage by stage, the ones of lesser strength give way to those of stronger abilities
In reality, life is like a chessboard. You try to win while it tries to put the worst studs on your way. You try to succeed but it tries to read your next line of action and tries to haunt you down.
However, any good Chess player understands that the most important piece on a chess board is the king. To checkmate the king is to win the game. An expert chess player playing with an amateur can win the game in just three steps and the next thing is Checkmate!
As Christians, the most important person in our life is our King. The Bible says that Christ in us is our hope of glory. He is the King of our life but the enemy tries to sap us and milk us dry. The enemy battles for our king because his sole aim is to kill, to steal and to destroy what we have within us.
Hence, subtly, cunningly, he advances but you must watch, he’s aiming for your king. If you are not careful, the next few steps he takes, you are gone.
Yes, Sleeping around does not really matter,
Alcoholism does not really matter 
Smoking does not really matter,
Pornography does not really matter,
Backbiting does not really matter,
Envy and jealousy don’t really matter,
Yes, they all don’t matter, but the next moment the enemy makes them the main matters arising. Soon they all become the crux of our problem. Beware; a little fly can spoil the whole beautiful perfume. Don’t give the enemy a chance. A little leaven leavens up the whole lump. Be strong, lest what is lame is put out of joint.
Samson gave his lust a chance and gradually, one step after another, it ended his life. Judas gave his greed a chance and he did not live to tell the story. What wrong things are you giving a chance in your life?
It’s time to take your steps back and embrace Jesus before the enemy takes you on a bumpy ride that the only thing that will end it is CHECKMATE!
I’ve been thinking of you!
Yours in active service,

Wednesday, 27 April 2011


The crickets are chirping in the neighbourhood. The birds are cooling off in their nest after a stressful day and the world retires humbly into the overwhelming hooting of darkness.
Down the street, someone is down and dejected, nothing to show for a long day of hardwork. Life is hard. That’s the reality but yet we’ve got to push on above its harsh realities. Somewhere in the countryside, a grandma prays fervently for her son’s family in city of which she perceives that they are going through tough times though she wonders how she will feed for the next few days. Across the street, someone’s marriage is at the brink of collapse. In the budding moonlight, a young lady sits down counting the stars and wondering what love has in stock for her.
Well, the situations of life are different but the remedy is the same. LOVE.  That’s is the remedy! It’s the grease on which life itself revolves. Love colours our world and makes it beautiful, don’t abuse love, it’s the fulcrum on which life itself revolves.  It strengthens the foundation of our world. 
The pains of our world would be turned around if only we can love enough.  Truly, we are all dependent somehow. We humans are angels with one wing and we can only fly high when we link our wings with our fellow humans.  The Holy Bible says ‘Give and it shall be given unto you…’ Hence this means that the measure of love you give will be the measure of love you will receive.
Most times in life, we aspire so high, as though how high we get will determine how happy we shall be. Though aspiring high is good, yet in reality, many people at the top of their ladder are not the happiest. Most of them have a great vacuum that only love can fill.
One interesting thing about love is that one can never give it without receiving some back and no one is too big to receive love. It’s a universal language that unites all creatures.
Our greatest aspiration should be that someone somewhere is happy because we live and because of the value we add to their lives. Our life is not rich because of the cars that are parked in our garage or because of the kind of beds we sleep in or because of the kind of houses we live in but these things shall surely pass in their time but the love we share lives beyond us.
Well, maybe somewhat sadly, every man shall surely die someday. That remains the greatest mystery that the world has not been able to resolve. Be that as it may, when we leave this planet, it’s only our works that we shall be remembered for.
Friends, let’s learn to love, to care and to cherish our fellow humans, not out of some ulterior motive or because of some hidden agenda but because of the reflection we get back when we love. If you want to know what true love is like, imagine what Jesus did on the Cross, imagine the life of Mother Theresa and a host of others who have lived for a worthy course.
There is somebody somewhere waiting to receive your love!
Wouldn’t you rather start loving today?
With a heart filled with LOVE,

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Hmm… I am down and out; I am broken beyond repair, I am torn into shreds… I need help. This is the lamentations of many a person that find themselves in the odds nay the valleys of life.

Yes! Truly, life’s got its challenges, its ups, its downs, its pros, its cons; but be that as it may, life in itself is beautiful. Why does it often seem that some people really seem to get an unfair share of life? Whatever may be your opinion, everyone’s got challenges, yes odds more than you can imagine. When the problems of people are hung on their neck for you to see, you may as well decide to carry your own cross.

 Despite these seemingly vicissitudes of life, some people tend to get the best out of life while others tend to admire the success of others. Why does this seem so? Does this undermine the fact that there is a genius in every one of us? That God as a matter of fact has put all we need within us? Of course not! It only lends strong credence to the fact that the very differences in our lives are supposed to colour our world and add spice to its flavour.

Yes it’s in you! You’ve got what it takes; yes, lots of stuff! Yet the reality remains that your area of gifting might not be my own area of gifting. That you sing so well does not mean I can sing as much. That you play football does not mean that I can I do it that fine In reality, deep down within us lie an impeccable genius that must be discovered, a genius that must be groomed and nurtured and indeed one that must propel us to the zenith of our collective existence.

Don’t envy anyone who is performing in a given area, find where you can perform! It’s important to note that the sky is too wide for two birds to collide. You can create your own brand. The world may be waiting for you in a certain area which you are yet to discover.

Remember, you are alive because you are needed. Take responsibility. If you don’t do it, nobody might do it. It might interest you to know that without Faraday, there may never have been electricity, without Graham Bell, there may never have been Telephone. Does that not ring a bell to you? What will there be or not be because of you? It’s up to you! You can still wake up and conquer your world. As I often say, there is a drop of greatness in every man. Arise! There is a genius in you; DISCOVER IT!