Monday, 27 June 2011

AT EASE (Part Two).

Friends, I hope you have been doing fine. Let's spur ourselves once more to unlimited hieghts of exploits! 
Remember, You don’t stumble unto success; you’ve got to work for it. Demand what you want and be ready to pay the price. Don’t chicken out when you are almost there. Don’t be at ease when the world is looking up to you, when your success means the success of your generation, when your failure means the failure of a nation. Recently, I saw a picture of a beautiful young woman cut into two by some rampaging Islamic fundamentalists. One part of her from the stomach was dismembered from the rest, while from the stomach to the rest lay another side. If you are in such a place, you will be desperate to survive, desperate, at least to live.
Yet you are alive; and in the midst of critical times like these, some young lady spend hours in front of the mirror painting and making up. They undermine the enormous ability in them to immortalize their names and to become celebrities in their chosen field. As a young person, be desperate with your life. Put your hands into some reasonable things and make your life count
            It’s possible that the comfort you are currently enjoying is making you stay at ease. There is something that can make your generation stand up for you. Maybe you have not realized it, just dig deeper. That single effort might make all the difference. It’s possible that the future of your generation is revolving on your shoulders.
            Imagine that Bill Gates, the Microsoft Boss did not wake up on time, he would not have known that the future of the world as regards computers hung on his neck. Imagine that Henry Ford was at ease with his life, he would not have founded a computer by his name. Richard Branson, chairman and founder of Virgin group would not have come this far if he was at ease with his life.
Friends, it’s time to wake up. Many of these people become strongest at their biggest points of despair and despondency. Don’t give up, don’t be at ease, wake up and rule your world!

Don’t be at ease with life
Lest you serrate your future with a knife
Of incompetence and a life of strife
When you relax and make fun rife
Arise and learn to stay alive all your life!

I’ve been thinking of you!

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