Monday, 2 May 2011


It’s coming, its advancing
The Chariot and the Army
Of an impending adversary
Lurking in the Sanctuary
Of my life with fearful Armoury
How would I let a thing so dreary
Sap the strength of my life so merry?

Have you ever played Chess? Hmm…It’s one of my favourite games. It teaches a whole lot from the beginning of the game to the end. It’s a game of defence and attack, just like a war. The Pawns, Knights, Rooks, Bishops, Queen and then the King; with each movement, you try to kill the opponent’s pieces. One by one, stage by stage, the ones of lesser strength give way to those of stronger abilities
In reality, life is like a chessboard. You try to win while it tries to put the worst studs on your way. You try to succeed but it tries to read your next line of action and tries to haunt you down.
However, any good Chess player understands that the most important piece on a chess board is the king. To checkmate the king is to win the game. An expert chess player playing with an amateur can win the game in just three steps and the next thing is Checkmate!
As Christians, the most important person in our life is our King. The Bible says that Christ in us is our hope of glory. He is the King of our life but the enemy tries to sap us and milk us dry. The enemy battles for our king because his sole aim is to kill, to steal and to destroy what we have within us.
Hence, subtly, cunningly, he advances but you must watch, he’s aiming for your king. If you are not careful, the next few steps he takes, you are gone.
Yes, Sleeping around does not really matter,
Alcoholism does not really matter 
Smoking does not really matter,
Pornography does not really matter,
Backbiting does not really matter,
Envy and jealousy don’t really matter,
Yes, they all don’t matter, but the next moment the enemy makes them the main matters arising. Soon they all become the crux of our problem. Beware; a little fly can spoil the whole beautiful perfume. Don’t give the enemy a chance. A little leaven leavens up the whole lump. Be strong, lest what is lame is put out of joint.
Samson gave his lust a chance and gradually, one step after another, it ended his life. Judas gave his greed a chance and he did not live to tell the story. What wrong things are you giving a chance in your life?
It’s time to take your steps back and embrace Jesus before the enemy takes you on a bumpy ride that the only thing that will end it is CHECKMATE!
I’ve been thinking of you!
Yours in active service,

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