Thursday, 8 September 2011


In a nation so vastly populated as ours, it is often possible to get lost in the crowd. Yes; to get lost in the opinion of others or submerged in the sea of confusion generated by others or maybe, to get drowned in the vision of others. Sometimes, you may be wondering, “Where am I and what do I stand for?
In the midst of these buzzing realities, the world has a way of blowing hurricane winds on our flickering candles of faith, especially when we want to take a bold step. Be that as it may, it is good we declare our stand because according to Martin Luther King Jr., “He who has nothing to die for is not fit to live.”
Hence I dare to say that I stand for truth, equity, fairness and justice. I stand for the greatness of everyman and the brotherhood of all mankind. I stand for integrity, transparency and good governance. I am an activist, yes, an activist for the common man whose voice cannot be heard. But first, I am an optimist that is highly positive minded. I believe our nation will be great when we see ourselves as co-builders and when we learn to take responsibility.
I stand for purpose and reality. I don’t believe in begging for acceptance, rather, I believe in stating my case and showing what stuff I am made of for it is said, “once you are good, you are good” because a golden fleece has no hiding place. I believe in great virtues and in the nobility of work. I stand for morality and godliness for I do know that there is a God that rules in the affairs of men. I believe that what a man sows, he shall reap. I stand for these, what do you stand for?

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