There is power of
little things; when things are little, we tend to neglect them. People are
naturally inclined to do big things. People want to make it big, to drive big
cars, to own big houses, to work with big corporations. Whatever your intention
is, there is great power in small things, small tasks, small enterprises, small
kind actions, and small bold steps. A wise man said that everyone is trying to
accomplish big things without knowing that the big things are made up of small
While you are preparing
to do big things, prepare yourself by being efficient in handling small things.
It is your efficiency in handling small tasks that makes you qualified for
greater things. But you see, what happens is that great things often come in
small packages and we don’t recognize it when they come. Great opportunities
can come disguised as work, great moments can come disguised as challenges and
if we are not prepared to take on responsibilities and confront challenges, we
may go on complaining as though no opportunity ever came around.
Do not dissipate your
energy doing everything; find something you were created to achieve. Get
dedicated to God and start with the small things around that everyone is
neglecting. Sometimes, you are looking for platforms and you may forget simple
platforms and fix your eyes on big platforms. Start performing from your small
stage and the bigger stage will come. Serve God on the smaller platform and the
bigger platform will come. Do not fold your hands simply because you think no
one is giving you an opportunity. Look around you, you will find where to start
Our people say that
what we are often looking for in faraway places can actually be found in nearer
places. Look within you, what is that small thing that you have been
neglecting; your ability to act, your ability to sing, your ability to write,
your dexterity with computers, your negotiation and speaking abilities and with
all that you’ve got, you still think that you’ve got nothing? Dear friend, you
have a lot. What you simply need is polishing of your small skills; and you
know that slow and steady polishing will always graduate you as a finished
So check out where you
can start from and if you don’t really know where to start from, pray and ask
God for direction. Remember, when Jesus asked his disciples, ‘What do we have?’
and they answered him, we have NOTHING except five loaves and two fish, yet those
NOTHING in the hands of God fed five thousand men and still remained. When
Moses had NOTHING except a ROD, the rod in the hands of God divided the RED Sea
and proved to be the perfect tool for the moment. When David bragged that God
was able to give the giant into his hands, he had NOTHING in his hands except
his catapult, that simple tool in the hands of God brought down the giant
called Goliath.
So are you ready?
Wouldn’t you rather look within, look around and identify those small things
that can stand you out when you do them. I believe when you start, you will
grow from doing small things in great ways to doing big things in even greater
ways because efficiency begins with perfection in getting small things done in
great ways.
Stay Blessed and Motivated!
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