Thursday, 8 August 2013


You must believe in yourself. Many of us harbor false beliefs. Sometimes we do not realize this. These false beliefs may have been with us our entire life.
We need to rid ourselves of this excess baggage. Many times, these false beliefs only serve to reinforce negative thoughts. This in turn prevents us from doing all the good we might otherwise do. The next time you “talk to yourself", stop and listen to what you said. Is it really true?
You must value everyone and everything that you have. Unfortunately, some of us do not appreciate what we have until it is taken away from us. It is then that we realize our loss and what we had. But then it is too late. Each day we should focus on what we have and give thanks. Remember that by focusing only on what we want and never valuing what we have, we become unhappy.
Secure your future by taking initiative. It is unlikely that there is any employer waiting for you to come along so that they can make you rich. That is entirely up to you. We must create our own security-financially and otherwise. Some people gain a false sense of security by continuing to do the same things that they have always done. In this way, it is unnecessary for them to make any changes. Remaining in their comfort zone allows them to retain a feeling of certainty; however, it also deprives them of what they may have had.
To simplify in a complex world is difficult for all of us; nevertheless, it is hard to enjoy any activity when our focus is always on where we need to be next.
A focus on the present---not the future---is always a good starting point in simplifying. One misconception about simplifying is that it means we are doing without. In fact, less is more. By simplifying, we increase the quality of time that is spent with others or doing things we enjoy.
By our example, any good works we perform can multiply. To be of service to others is not something everyone wants to do. Yet it is something we should all do. We like it when others are of service to us, don’t we? Our good deeds take on added meaning when others not only observe but duplicate them. Regardless of our own situation, it is not difficult for any of us to find someone suffering greater hardships than ourselves. Find that person and let your good works multiply. This will be a source of strength to you.
You must appreciate your God given gifts. Recognize them and put them to good use for others and yourself. Sometimes we underestimate those gifts or take them for granted. Listen to what others may be telling you about your own gifts. This is a reminder to us of our special capabilities.
Save time, money and your own energy. All of these are in limited supply. Saving should not interfere with generosity. When it does, it loses its value. The purpose of saving is to always have at our disposal the resources we require to assist ourselves and others. Saving can help us---especially in times of need.
It is easy to get caught up in the busy pace of daily living. For this reason, we can sometimes lose our sense of direction. Stop and rediscover the goals for your life. Do this regularly.
Give and do not expect anything in return. This is a difficult concept for many people to accept and apply. Yet it is in giving that we receive. We may give money, time or services to others from our saved resources. In today’s world, some people choose to worry only about themselves. They have little trust of others and are reluctant to give. This is unfortunate as they have lost their ability to receive. In fact, what we ultimately receive by giving can be abundantly more than what we refused to give. Remember that giving is different than lending. Nothing is expected in return. Our world puts an emphasis on acquiring material goods. We must focus instead on giving.
Leave your fears and anxieties behind. Many of the things that we worry about never happen. And if they do happen, did the worrying make it any better? In fact, the worrying probably only made it worse. It is difficult to make the proper decisions when our thinking is not clear. Fear and anxiety only clouds our thinking. This makes this a dangerous time during which we must take control of our mind. It is a garden that must be nurtured and weeded regularly. Be aware of negative thoughts that must be weeded out. Also be aware of the seeds of positive thoughts that must be planted. A well kept garden will bring you relaxation. 
...To be continued.....
                      Courtesy of

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