Sunday, 11 August 2013


There is always a voice behind every voice. Which one do you hear? Sometimes, when people speak to you, try to listen. I’m not asking you to be unnecessarily judgemental about people but I want you to pay attention to the view I’m going to share.
Often, when the enemy wants to bring bad suggestions to you, he goes through the least sources you can’t imagine. When the devil wanted to bring Eve down, he came through the serpent, an unlikely source. When the enemy wanted to finish Samson, he came through Delilah, the least source- she was his Lover! To Abraham, it was through his wife, Sarah that the voice spoke through and he slept with Hagar and the outcome was Ishmael and today that outcome is still being battled.  When the enemy wanted to get Jesus, he came speaking through Peter, and Jesus, being who he is, rebuked Peter knowing that it was not really Peter but it was about the one speaking through him.
Asking for God’s direction is one of the ways to decipher the voice in every voice.

Friday, 9 August 2013

Ten Things You Probably didn't know about Mandela

                          1. Mandela’s tribal nickname is “Rolihlahla,” meaning “Troublemaker.”

Other accounts translate Rolihlalhla to mean “to pull a branch from a tree,” which, of course, is something only a troublemaker would do. It was his teacher, Miss Mdingane, who gave him the English name “Nelson,” much to the relief of journalists everywhere when he became famous.
2. Mandela was expelled from university after less than a year.
After finishing boarding school, Mandela headed to Fort Hare Missionary College. Less than 12 months later, he was expelled from college for helping to organize a strike against the white colonial rule of the institution. One might call this foreshadowing.
3. The United Nations decreed his birthday as Mandela Day.
In 2009, the U.N. declared Mandela’s birthday, July 18, as Mandela Day to mark his contribution to world freedom. The holiday calls on individuals to donate 67 minutes to doing something for others, reflecting the 67 years that Mandela had been a part of the anti-apartheid movement.

Thursday, 8 August 2013


You must believe in yourself. Many of us harbor false beliefs. Sometimes we do not realize this. These false beliefs may have been with us our entire life.
We need to rid ourselves of this excess baggage. Many times, these false beliefs only serve to reinforce negative thoughts. This in turn prevents us from doing all the good we might otherwise do. The next time you “talk to yourself", stop and listen to what you said. Is it really true?
You must value everyone and everything that you have. Unfortunately, some of us do not appreciate what we have until it is taken away from us. It is then that we realize our loss and what we had. But then it is too late. Each day we should focus on what we have and give thanks. Remember that by focusing only on what we want and never valuing what we have, we become unhappy.