Sunday, 16 September 2012


Iyke Udoh was raised in the streets. He grew up under the shadows of violence in the ghetto. Well, by no fault of his. Every evening, to cool off from the hostility of the environment in which he found himself, he would compose and sing songs that often made his listeners’ ears glued to his voice. Every time he listened to established singers, something within him always told him that he could do as well if not better.
On the birthday of the girl he had always admired, he decided to sing her a special tune. As he sang tears fell on the cheeks of the people who listened to him and they marvelled at such awesome display of an undiscovered talent.
You may be like Iyke Udoh, with a great but undiscovered talent. Where is that your talent? Have you been admiring others and forgetting that within you is everything you need? Do you look at people, envy them and enter into unnecessary competition with them? You are in a competition with your last performance. Polish your talent and be your best; you may be age mates with the person you envy but not grace mates, so paddle your canoe.
Don’t underestimate that little talent you have. Don’t hide it. Your biggest breakthrough might be connected to the talent that you’re hiding. What you need to be the best is not too far from you but rather it’s within and around.
Yours in active service,

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