In our day to day lives, walls reflect an element of protection. They are components of building made up of units of blocks. No matter how small these units of blocks are, they make up great buildings. Not minding how big these buildings are, they must have no cracks in their walls. Cracks reflect weakness, inefficiency and loop holes for wrong things to enter.
Our lives are also like unit blocks of attitude, gravels of actions and cement of inactions. When the foundational blocks are not good enough, the building cannot be strong. Broken walls are places through which negative thoughts leak into our lives, emotions and influences. These broken walls allow influx of different kinds of things.
As social beings, we humans cannot put ourselves away from the reality of influences around us. Through the influences of those we surround ourselves with; our walls can be broken, fixed or even made stronger. What do you allow mostly into your life? This is because we become mostly what we focus on. We must dare to set our foundational walls right. But this may not be possible without effective inspiration. Inspiration means getting enabled by a higher unction, a greater source. I will urge you friends to make God your ultimate inspiration in order to mend your broken.
The integrity of our personality can be hampered by some habits that lurk by the roadside of our lives like wolves in sheep clothing. They seem so harmless but they melt the walls of our lives like blocks of ice on a hot sunny day. For such habits, it will do us a great good to give up on them. Sometimes, giving up does not mean weakness, it means we are strong enough to let go of excuses and unimportant habits. We would build great institutions when we repair the broken walls in our lives and indeed by hearkening to this clarion call, the greatness of our nation can be restored.
I’ve been thinking of you!