Saturday, 26 September 2015


Standing in front of a threatened people, beads of perspiration glistened on his forehead. Moses' reputation hung on the weighing balance before his people and before the red sea. It's been a long boring walk to freedom. Their destiny journey and the red sea looked each other in the eye, and together they looked up to Moses for action. He was not used to this but with the hopes of a generation strapped to his courage, he had to take action or perish. And really, you never know how strong you can be until being strong is the only option you have.

What else would the righteous do?

He looked up to God.
God asked him, "What is in your hands?"
"A rod," Moses said.
"Strike it on the water" the Lord told him.
When he did, a rumbling arose in the womb of the sea, mighty walls of water piled on each other in quick succession. It was a totally new experience and the eyes of the Israelites rolled up the high water wall. Wowed by this wonder, they began to walk through.
Yet in the midst of their miracle, came the chariot of their adversaries, hot-breathing, sword-wielding oppressors pursuing them through the parted water. But it was too late to stop a generation with a speaking rod.

A generation's walk to a place of destiny could have been truncated if the rod in the hands of Moses had not been leveraged upon. If he did not know God, the Master of creation, it would have been difficult to know the worth of his rod.
What is in your hands that you have been neglecting? A woman when asked what she had, she said 'only a pot of oil' but from that pot of oil came sustenance.

When Jesus wanted to feed the five thousand, they found only five loaves and two fish. Yet after he gave thanks, there was enough to eat and much more to gather. Are you properly exploring what is in your hands? Or could it be that you've not been grateful enough with the little you've already received?

Think about it, that thing in your hands could be the hope of a generation, that idea in your head could be listed as one the next Fortune 500 companies soonest. Nothing fails in your hands today. Have a wonderful day.

Sincerely Yours,

Thursday, 17 September 2015


Recently, I’ve been reviewing what makes people live an average life. My mind has not yet come up with a comprehensive answer but one thing is clear to me. All those who desired to be outstanding took their mindset above normal existence. They took a conscious decision, they worked at it and with time, they became outstanding.
There’s something common among normal people, they only work when they feel cool, they set sail when the sea is calm, they take off when the coast is perfectly clear, they wait to see the whole stairs before they can make the first attempt, and then they fall, feeling unlike it. So in waiting for perfect moments, for El dorado and bliss, the Sun goes down on their goals, the moon shines on their laziness, the stars sparkle across their indecision and this normal sluggard is yet to wake up from slumber.
According Maya Angelou, if you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be. In the Bible Story of David, when David decided to become a Lion killer, he was not looking for who to impress. When he killed a bear that came to attack the sheep he was taking care of, he was not showing off to anyone, as a matter of fact, the act was not even before an applauding audience. He was bold, daring, courageous, amazing, not because of eye service but because his convictions were real, he did not want to be normal, he wanted to be outstanding.  
The problem with most people today is that they are too busy looking for applause while lacking content; they are looking for validation but they are simply normal folks, doing normal things and getting normal results, never able to get ahead.
Truth is, you were created to be amazing, but you need to infuse this into your thinking, especially when you feel down, when your fuel dries and it seems like life does not make any sense in the immediate. This happens to everyone at some point in life but your ability to stay afloat, to refuel your passion will keep you on course to being amazing in life. Quitting normal life starts with a mindset to dare to be different, outstanding and willing to take a road less traveled by.
Join us on Sunday, 20th September, 2015, by 3pm at Hotel de Horizon, Right Turn after Banex, Wuse 2, Abuja at Motivators Roundtable, Abuja. It’s a programme organized by Motivators International and it creates an amazing time for Young Professionals in Abuja to network, interact and activate excellence. Our guest this month is Dr Charles Ononiwu, the Founder and President of Youth With A Purpose, YWAP and also a Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon. He is an amazing personality with a heart for young people. His organization, YWAP has reached thousands of young people discover their purpose in life.

He will be speaking on the theme, The New Normal.

I look forward to welcoming you in our midst.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015


Hey, lovely people, welcome to a new month.

Who's excited about September? It will be awesome. We will have more engaging stuff here. And also, in Motivators International, we'd have a couple of things to talk about. Hope you get to join us in any of our Motivators Roundtables in Abuja, Port Harcourt and Lagos to connect with young professionals and also polish yourself unto excellence.

Well, this month, we'd be looking at what it takes to grow up.

Growing up could mean different things to different people, to some it means being able to secure a job and take care of one’s needs, to another, it’s being able to graduate from college and to someone else, it means being able to overcome a certain type of fear. All of this is part of what it means to grow up but there’s really much more. When we were Children, we taught like Children. But when we grow up, we put away childish thinking.

Personally, when I was a child, I used to love milk. I promised myself that once I had enough money to buy milk, I will drink and drink until the heavens draw a little nearer the earth. And because when we were growing up, daddy used to make tea look like swimming pool, nestled in a big jug - where everyone pours out the light liquid with grudges, hoping that daddy will look away so we do the needful by scooping more milk and Bournvita into the transparent liquid - I promised myself a type of tea, thick as emulsion as compensation. But now that I have money enough to buy milk, I have bigger things to bother about.

But growing up also entails disrupting old mentality, bracing up for bigger dreams, stretching and striving for significance. Everyone gets to grow up in some way. And if we fail to realize this, change happens to us, whether we like it or not. People may hurt you at some point in your life, sometimes it's even people you trust. But would you grow up? Would you grow up not to presume too much on people's love because they might do something you'd be sorry for? Would you grow up to know that if your dream has to live, it's up to you? Would you grow up and learn to control your anger? Would you grow up to know that only the bold and daring sip nectar from life's beautiful cross pollination? It's worth it, yes, growing up.

Growing up sometimes means making the move at the stirring of the waters, it means knowing when to go in for a fight and when to stand aside and allow life happen. Growing up is beautiful but sometimes, it comes with letting the scale covering our eyes to fall off and crumble, it means allowing the billowing courage in our hearts to blossom so we can see the Sun rise with a new energy in its wings and whisper to us, 'it's time to grow up.'

Welcome to September.