We are made different from each other in many ways. We have diverse abilities within us that if we listen to our innermost voice, we shall find that voice that is directing us to the high points of our lives. Our sterling moments are those breathtaking moments when the lime light is on us because of some kind of stunt we have just pulled in a certain area of our strength. Yet, because we are different from each other makes our sterling moments, different strokes for different folks.
Sometimes, because we focus too much on our past, it looks like we are under performing or that we are not good enough. This can be a great stressor especially to people who believe that there is something superior propelling them on the inside. Now, can you spare a moment as you read this stuff? Review your life briefly. When was the last time you had a sterling moment in your life? In what area was that? How much fulfilment did you derive from such awesome moments? It’s really a question for you to ponder.
Your sterling moments will come when day dreaming seizes. Don’t just dream, take action. That one action in your area of passion, yes that one action of yours could make all the difference. Imagine that Bill Gates was less than 20 when he and Paul Allen started Microsoft. Imagine what hurdles Henry Ford faced or what pains Mary Kay bore just to have their dreams come to fruition. With the right zest, you too can make it happen.
Ordinarily, a fish would never have a sterling moment on land; or else, it would not find it funny or it would need exclusive energy which would ultimately wear it out. Don’t struggle too much within the realms of your weakness; rather, strike the match of reality and ignite the passion more in your areas of strength. Focusing more on where you are good and developing that area often undermines and in fact, diminishes your weakness and gives vigour to your flapping wings.
Friends, just to remind you that energy flows more were your attention goes. Be careful what you put your mind into because as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. I hope to celebrate your sterling moments with you!
I’ve been thinking of you!
Yours truly,