Wednesday, 27 April 2011


The crickets are chirping in the neighbourhood. The birds are cooling off in their nest after a stressful day and the world retires humbly into the overwhelming hooting of darkness.
Down the street, someone is down and dejected, nothing to show for a long day of hardwork. Life is hard. That’s the reality but yet we’ve got to push on above its harsh realities. Somewhere in the countryside, a grandma prays fervently for her son’s family in city of which she perceives that they are going through tough times though she wonders how she will feed for the next few days. Across the street, someone’s marriage is at the brink of collapse. In the budding moonlight, a young lady sits down counting the stars and wondering what love has in stock for her.
Well, the situations of life are different but the remedy is the same. LOVE.  That’s is the remedy! It’s the grease on which life itself revolves. Love colours our world and makes it beautiful, don’t abuse love, it’s the fulcrum on which life itself revolves.  It strengthens the foundation of our world. 
The pains of our world would be turned around if only we can love enough.  Truly, we are all dependent somehow. We humans are angels with one wing and we can only fly high when we link our wings with our fellow humans.  The Holy Bible says ‘Give and it shall be given unto you…’ Hence this means that the measure of love you give will be the measure of love you will receive.
Most times in life, we aspire so high, as though how high we get will determine how happy we shall be. Though aspiring high is good, yet in reality, many people at the top of their ladder are not the happiest. Most of them have a great vacuum that only love can fill.
One interesting thing about love is that one can never give it without receiving some back and no one is too big to receive love. It’s a universal language that unites all creatures.
Our greatest aspiration should be that someone somewhere is happy because we live and because of the value we add to their lives. Our life is not rich because of the cars that are parked in our garage or because of the kind of beds we sleep in or because of the kind of houses we live in but these things shall surely pass in their time but the love we share lives beyond us.
Well, maybe somewhat sadly, every man shall surely die someday. That remains the greatest mystery that the world has not been able to resolve. Be that as it may, when we leave this planet, it’s only our works that we shall be remembered for.
Friends, let’s learn to love, to care and to cherish our fellow humans, not out of some ulterior motive or because of some hidden agenda but because of the reflection we get back when we love. If you want to know what true love is like, imagine what Jesus did on the Cross, imagine the life of Mother Theresa and a host of others who have lived for a worthy course.
There is somebody somewhere waiting to receive your love!
Wouldn’t you rather start loving today?
With a heart filled with LOVE,

Tuesday, 26 April 2011


Hmm… I am down and out; I am broken beyond repair, I am torn into shreds… I need help. This is the lamentations of many a person that find themselves in the odds nay the valleys of life.

Yes! Truly, life’s got its challenges, its ups, its downs, its pros, its cons; but be that as it may, life in itself is beautiful. Why does it often seem that some people really seem to get an unfair share of life? Whatever may be your opinion, everyone’s got challenges, yes odds more than you can imagine. When the problems of people are hung on their neck for you to see, you may as well decide to carry your own cross.

 Despite these seemingly vicissitudes of life, some people tend to get the best out of life while others tend to admire the success of others. Why does this seem so? Does this undermine the fact that there is a genius in every one of us? That God as a matter of fact has put all we need within us? Of course not! It only lends strong credence to the fact that the very differences in our lives are supposed to colour our world and add spice to its flavour.

Yes it’s in you! You’ve got what it takes; yes, lots of stuff! Yet the reality remains that your area of gifting might not be my own area of gifting. That you sing so well does not mean I can sing as much. That you play football does not mean that I can I do it that fine In reality, deep down within us lie an impeccable genius that must be discovered, a genius that must be groomed and nurtured and indeed one that must propel us to the zenith of our collective existence.

Don’t envy anyone who is performing in a given area, find where you can perform! It’s important to note that the sky is too wide for two birds to collide. You can create your own brand. The world may be waiting for you in a certain area which you are yet to discover.

Remember, you are alive because you are needed. Take responsibility. If you don’t do it, nobody might do it. It might interest you to know that without Faraday, there may never have been electricity, without Graham Bell, there may never have been Telephone. Does that not ring a bell to you? What will there be or not be because of you? It’s up to you! You can still wake up and conquer your world. As I often say, there is a drop of greatness in every man. Arise! There is a genius in you; DISCOVER IT!